
Showing posts from April, 2018

Bunionectomy Surgery Information And Explanation

Of all the available information on bunionectomy surgery out there today most of the thing to tackles down clearly is the fact that our bodies are very unique vessels that scientists still don't fully understand. There are questions that sometimes we find ourselves still asking, for instance, why do we have to get sick, why do we have allergies, and why isn't there a cure for these medical issues. As there are no cures for these annoying situations, there is some relief that we can find in the medical field for other situations; situations that cause us extreme pain. For those who suffer from the pain of bunions, there is relief that can be found in a surgical procedure called a bunionectomy surgery. If you're unfamiliar with the term, or have never experienced one yourself, bunions have the potential to cause a person a great amount of pain if they become too big. A bunion is a growth of soft tissue and of bone around the joint of the base of the big toe. So

Bunionectomy And Other Surgeries Of The Foot

Probably it’s safe to say that one of the most important parts of our body are our feet. But at the same time, they tend to be the most neglected parts as well. Some of the common problems include fractures, bunions, ankle instability, muscular injuries and they can cause real damage unless they are treated on time. Our feet are complicated parts of the body as well and they are made of 28 individual bones along with 30 joints. They are more prone to accidents than any parts of the body, but luckily they can be cured by surgeries and finding the right qualified surgeon. To help you get started, here is a small list of some of the most popular and common foot surgeries and how they are being operated: - Bunionectomy : It’s basically a procedure in which the surgeon will just remove the bunion that is a painful inflammation of the first joint of big toe. They can occur due to even the simplest reasons such as shoe selection done wrong. Bunionectomy is great, but it’s r

How Much Does Bunion Surgery Cost?

When it comes to the bunion surgery cost, the United States average is between $3,500 and $5,000 but some hospitals charge as much as $15,000 for bunion surgery. There are a few factors that can influence the overall price tag, however. One such factor is the type of surgery that you are having performed. There are different types of surgery that can be performed to alleviate the pain associated with a bunion. One surgery simply removes the lump of excess tissue on the tip of the bone that meets the base of the big toe. This is called an exostectomy. You could also opt for one of a few other surgeries that involve physically correcting the position of the misaligned bone: 1) arthrodesis, which involves shortening and repairing the tendons and ligaments that surround the misaligned bone so that they may keep the bone from moving back out of position, 2) osteotomy, which involves physically cutting and realigning the deformed joint, and 3) resection arthroplasty, which is a

Walking After Bunion Surgery - True Story

 Day 1, walking after bunionectomy surgery All I know is that I’m lucky to have had shoulder surgery a few years ago.  Post-bunionectomy surgery is painful, but nothing like that shoulder thing.  I’m lying here with my leg elevated, enjoying my time with a little Percocet in front of the TV.  But I won’t need to take it after today or tomorrow.  Nodding off…  Pre-Op Day 2  Today marks two days before my bunion surgery.  This is the most stressful time for me before any surgery.  I have been weened from my lifelong anticoagulant, Coumadin, and am injecting myself with Lovenox, a type of Heparin.  This is what happens when I need surgery.  To be on Coumadin is too risky (for bleeding), but being off Coumadin means I am more prone to blood clots.  I am creeping around, hoping not to suffer a stroke or something.  Can’t wait for Monday morning to come and go so I can start back with my Coumadin.  Makes me nervous…  I realized today that the reason my pain wasn’t bad yest

Best Shoes For Bunions - 4 Recommended Style

What Are the Best Shoes for Bunions? 4 Recommended Style Choices To find the best shoes for bunions, you need to take into account not only the nature of the bunion itself, but also those activities you participate in where a bunion could or will be a problem. If your activities are primarily confined to standing or walking for short distances, you may find a single type or style of shoe is all you need to consider.  If you are a runner, a ballerina, a tennis player or involved some other active endeavor, you may find yourself having to purchase several types of footwear, a type for each major activity you engage in. Some types of shoes are easily found, while others may need to be specialized and can be more difficult to find, or in some cases, more expensive. What is a Bunion and What Can Cause One to Form Those who do not have a bunion will often mistake it as being nothing more than a blister, or something like a corn. A   bunion,   however, tends to be more permanent and o

Bunionette Treatment - 6 Effortless Ways

Before talking about bunionette treatment. Do not be confused between a bunion and its lesser known counterpart known as Tailor’s bunion, or bunionette itself. Although both have very similar symptoms, the major difference is where the pain is located. When it comes to bunions, you will generally feel pain on the bump itself whereas for bunionettes, the pain will be felt inside the joint. What Is It? Tailor’s bunions are less common than regular bunions and you know you have it when you see and feel a prominent bump on the base of your little toe. It is basically the dislocation of the joint at the base of this toe. The reason for its name is because historically, they tended to plague tailors who sat cross-legged on hard surfaces for long periods of time. Because of the excessive pressure and incessant rubbing and friction, a painful bump would form at the base of the small toe and thus, the formation of a bunionette. What Causes Tailor’s Bunion? Today, bunion